After This task was Achieved, then They Were Given the task of coming up with a sound or a movement took place That over the correct number of counts. For example, a quarter note 1 beat Receives Their movement or sound and had to be one beat long (and able to be repeated). A half note looks like but gets two beats so Their movement had to be slightly longer (And Also repeatable). Once the groups Were ready, They presented to the class who had to determine what was being symbol being depicted.
In a different activity, the goal was to assist the students in internalizing the Differences Between sharps, flats, and naturals. Although the flat is fairly distinctive symbol, the symbol are sharp and Natural faq frequently mixed up. To aid the students in the recognition, the students play a Simon Says-type game. Using Their bodies, the students imitate what does the symbol to the note. When shown a sharp, the students need to raise Their arms over Their Heads to Demonstrate the sharp raises the pitch. The Natural Involves the students being ordinary or freezing. For a flat, They need to sit down as Quickly as possible, Because the flat lowers the pitch.
As a result of These activities, the students have improved Their recognition of the symbols and Their meanings as evidenced by improved playing quizzes and answers to in-class questions. Also It has led to Increased student engagement During These Times as Often students appreciate the movement to break to allow them to engage different parts of their minds.
The next step would be to continue to expand to cover more activities These musical concepts. Adding movement to activities've Helped Reinforce awareness of Their student bodies. Also There are creative movements as the students begin with a literal depiction of the present concepts, and then move into a creative process. They are utilizing movement to depict various concepts Involving musical pitch and rhythm. Also, in the future, students will begin a composition unit by working on interesting movement exercises in Addition to the musical exercises. They are expanding to include Their creative experiences Their bodies and musical ideas. This reinforcement of concepts Between different areas of the arts will continue to Improve student understanding.
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